Our purpose
Making Construction Better

Lead 2030: Making Construction Better

Construction is one of the largest industries globally. As a result, construction plays a central role in the world economy; it creates jobs for millions of people, provides housing to almost everyone living on our planet, and builds commercial, industrial and civil infrastructures that enable economic growth.
Construction, however, faces significant challenges. Productivity is low and has been stagnant over the past decades. Skilled labor is in short supply and health and safety issues are abundant on jobsites. Carbon emissions are high and continue to rise.
In the face of these challenges, construction is transforming. Enabled by digitalization, construction is industrializing. BIM, pre-planning and pre-fabrication are increasingly used in construction projects around the world. Jobsite robotics is becoming a reality. Workflows are thus becoming more efficient and effective and will increasingly deliver productivity. Sustainability is becoming an important ingredient for our customers’ success and safety is moving up the agenda. Construction is becoming more productive, safer and more sustainable. In short, construction is becoming better.
This is a big transformation, and it is not an easy one. Historically, construction has been a traditional industry; workflows and processes have not fundamentally changed for generations. Our customers are thus looking for a partner in this transformation.
Hilti is best positioned to be this partner. With our focus on innovation, we help our customers to do things better. Our direct customer relationships keep us close to our customers, which helps us to better understand their needs and to develop corresponding solutions. When customers choose a partner to address this transformation, they want a company that they can trust, a company that will be around to help them in the long run. For many of our customers, we are precisely that company; we are the brand that our customers trust.
That is why we have defined Making Construction Better as our purpose.

Our customer promise

What does “better” mean? Better means improved productivity, safety, and sustainability. Our customer promise is to be their best partner for productivity, safety, and sustainability.
Our objective

Value creation through leadership, built on differentiation and direct customer relationships.
We want to create value for all stakeholders. We create economic value for our shareholder. Creating economic value also secures our capacity to invest in innovation and be a leader in the transformation of the industry.
Value creation goes beyond economic value. We create value for our customers by being their best partner for productivity, safety, and sustainability. We create value for our team members by offering attractive employment and opportunities for personal growth. Our suppliers and partners succeed with us and the local communities benefit from our presence.
We target local market leadership and global business leadership positions in the countries and businesses we operate in. Leadership is our path to value creation.
We build our leadership positions on differentiation and direct customer relationships. These are the two most important strategic choices that we have made as a group.

“Differentiation and direct customer relationships go hand in hand.”
Jahangir Doongaji, CEO, Hilti Group

Our customer benefits

Better applications: Our differentiated offering of hardware, software and services, delivered through direct sales, increases jobsite application productivity, safety, and sustainability.
Better projects: Our end-to-end offering for construction projects, from design to operations, covering key applications, workflows and stakeholders, increases project productivity, safety, and sustainability.
Better processes: Our software-based solutions make our customers’ business processes more efficient and more effective, addressing one of the largest productivity levers.
Better experiences: In our interactions with our customers, we are accessible, transparent and reliable. We aim to offer customers an experience that consistently exceeds their expectations.

Our foundation

Our passionate and inclusive global team is at the core of our success. We want to be a great employer for everyone, everywhere and inspire engaged, inclusive and empowered teams. Through our individual and collective behaviors, we live our caring and performance-oriented culture every day. When working together we value and reward integrity, courage, teamwork and commitment.
Our purpose is Making Construction Better. We are our customers’ best partner for productivity, safety, and sustainability. With this, we create value not only for our shareholder, but also for our society, our suppliers, and our team members. Thus, along with the Hilti Foundation we build a better future.