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Publication Details


Hilti Corporation
Global Corporate Communications
PO Box 333, 9494 Schaan, Liechtenstein


Oliver Müller-Kengelbach
Head of Global Corporate Communications and Events


Kirchhoff Consult AG (Hamburg, Germany),
Hilti Global Corporate Communications and Global Brand Management


Editorial team

Loveleen Arora, Rhizlaine Benabid, Nadine Bernhardt, 
Sabrina Feliu, Matthias Hassler, Chris Larson, 
Manuela Mylonas, Lena-Sophia Nachbaur, Dan Phillips, 
Aron Polcsik, Kristina Rancic, Olga Zharkova 


Editorial and proofreading support

TextControl AG (Zürich, Switzerland) 


Creative direction and design

Kirchhoff Consult AG
Hilti Group: Benno K. Erhardt

Photography and images

Hilti Group: Emma Bilz, Lukas Gruber, Uli Reitz, regional and local teams as assigned (details upon request) 
Ezra Acayan, Srijana Bhatta, Reinhard and Luca Fasching (Bregenz, Austria), Ivan Gonzalez, Georgina Goodwin, Mika Huisman, iStock, Patrick Meinhardt, Angela Ponce, Christian Schneider


Video production

Hilti Group: Lukas Gruber, Felix Reichstein
Salomon Eidelman, FilmFabrik (Vaduz, Liechtenstein), GG Images, Stock Photography Nepal, TUNA Production, Aron Polcsik, Hilti Foundation


Image processing

Kirchhoff Consult AG (Hamburg, Germany) 


We would like to thank our customers, employees and partners for their support. The Company Report is published in English only. Duplication, even in part, only with permission of the publisher.